General Education

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1] Gastric juice aids in the digestion of which of the following nutrients?

a) Carbohydrates

b) Proteins

c) Fats

d) Vitamins

2] Nelson Mandela is known for his _______.

a) Leadership

b) Forgiveness

c) Peacemaking

d) Intelligence

3] Gregor Mendel is known as the _______.

a) Father of genetics

b) Father of Chemistry

c) Father of physics

d) Father of biology

4] What are the prime factors of 56?

a) 2 x 2 x 2 x 7

b) 2 x 2 x 4 x 7

c) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

d) 7 x 4 x 2

5] Which of the following animals is most commonly found in the Arctic environment?

a) Polar bear

b) Walrus

c) Seal

d) Penguin

6] Which of the following is also known as laughing gas?

a) Nitrous oxide

b) Carbon monoxide

c) Methane

d) Hydroge

7] Which of the following materials is magnetic?

a) Ferromagnetic

b) Paramagnetic

c) Diamagnetic

d) Non-magnetic

8] Which of the following elements is the lightest?

a) Hydrogen

b) Helium

c) Lithium

d) Beryllium

9] Who is considered the prima ballerina of the Philippine Ballet Theatre?

a) Lisa Macuja

b) Alice Reyes

c) Tony Perez

d) Eddie Elejar

10] Bile is used in the human body to digest which of the following nutrients?

a) Carbohydrates

b) Proteins

c) Fats

d) Vitamin

11] What is the eating behavior of organisms that consume only plants?

a) Carnivores

b) Omnivores

c) Herbivores

d) Detritivores

12] What is the boiling point of water in degrees Kelvin (absolute)?

a) 100 degrees

b) 273 degrees

c) 373 degrees

d) 212 degrees

13] To which biome does the Philippines belong?

a) Tundra

b) Desert

c) Tropical rainforest

d) Taiga

14] What thin structures are essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement, and changes in cell shape?

a) Cilia

b) Flagella

c) Microvilli

d) Filaments

15] What is often referred to as the "brain" of a computer?

a) Motherboard

b) Hard drive

c) RAM

d) CPU

16] What is the only safe blood transfusion for a person with blood type AB?

a) Group A blood into a group AB person

b) Group B blood into a group AB person

c) Group O blood into a group AB person

d) Group AB blood into a group AB person

17] What term is used to describe organisms that obtain energy by consuming organic substances?

a) Autotrophs

b) Herbivores

c) Grasshoppers

d) Heterotrophs

18] What is a characteristic feature that prokaryotic cells lack?

a) Nucleolus

b) Mitochondria

c) Cell membrane

d) Ribosomes

19] What was the name of the legislation that granted partial free foreign trade for the Philippines?

a) Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

b) Hawes-Cutting Act

c) Payne-Aldrich Act

d) Jones Act

20] "I cannot find _________ calculator, may I use _____?"

a) my, yours

b) your, my

c) his, her

d) Their, yours

21] What is the most appropriate way to complete the sentence? "Let us campaign for the total ban _______ of harmful insecticides."

a) On the use

b) On the production

c) On the distribution

d) In the use

22] Which term is synonymous with "APOCALYPTIC"?
23] What is the meaning of the term "IMPERTINENT"?

a) Irrelevant

b) Rude

c) Insignificant

d) Inappropriate

24] What is the intended lesson or message conveyed by the story? "The ____________ lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy."

a) Moral

b) Main

c) Essential

d) Fundamental

25] What literary device is used in the phrase "Red letter day"?

a) Metaphor

b) Simile

c) Idiom

d) Personification

Question NumberAnswer
1b) Proteins
2b) Forgiveness
3a) Father of genetics
4a) 2 x 2 x 2 x 7
5b) Walrus
6a) Nitrous oxide
7a) Ferromagnetic
8a) Hydrogen
9a) Lisa Macuja
10c) Fats
11c) Herbivores
12c) 373 degrees
13c) Tropical rainforest
14d) Filaments
15d) CPU
16d) Group AB blood into a group AB person
17d) Heterotrophs
18a) Nucleolus
19c) Payne-Aldrich Act
20a) my, yours
21a) On the use
23a) Irrelevant
24a) Moral
25c) Idiom